Paris Market French Cafe Notre Dame Gargoyle French Restaurant

Class Descriptions

  • Absolute Beginner: No prior experience in French
  • Advanced Beginner: Some prior exposure to French; knowledge of some present-tense verbs, including être, avoir and aller.
  • Intermediate: Knowledge of present regular and irregular verbs; can carry on simple conversations in French using the present, and the past.
  • Advanced Intermediate: Knowledge of present, past, future, conditional tenses; conversational in French with errors expected.
  • Advanced: Fluent in conversation, with errors expected. This is an ongoing class that features a different cultural and literary focus each session. Grammar will be reviewed as necessary.


Important Notice

In years past, I rarely had enough sign-ups per level (min. 3) in order for a course to run. I’m sorry to say that I therefore am only offering group classes if you know at least 2 other people to register at your level with you.
